July 19, 2008

Heat of the Moment: REJECTED

REJECTED, for the following reasons:

1. I think I'm relatively alone in being such not a car guy that I don't even know what my own car is. It's true; If people ask me what kind of car I'm driving I genuinely have to think about it. In my mind, it's completely absurd to think anybody would ever try and have this conversation with me.

2. The fact that we'd been sitting there in silence for hours is not entirely clear.

3. This is what happens when I draw a comic but only have ONE sheet of paper. I literally only had one sheet left to draw SOMETHING with. Usually I'll photocopy a cartoon in progress so I can at least do a rough trace with the photocopy to properly draw consistent head and body sizes. Here I tried to just use horizontal lines to measure across the panels how big the heads and whatnot should be. But I kept fudging it and look what happened: We get bigger and bigger as the comic goes.

4. I wasn't looking Peter Krausey enough.

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